I did the same thing on a FC2-386 box and it loaded fine, without failing dependency. The client and server both loaded and now I have an NX server running on that box (AMD-Athlon 1.2GHz)
Side note: If anyone from the fedora team is listening, it would be awesome if you got NX client and server built into the next distro and yum repositories so I could just do a "yum install freenx" and "yum install nx" like I can with apt-get on Debian.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Brian Chase
[root@prometheus tarballs-rpms]# ls nxclient-1.3.2-7.i386.rpm nxserver-1.3.2-25.i386.rpm nxserver-1.3.2-25enterprise.i386.rpm webmin-1.160-1.noarch.rpm [root@prometheus tarballs-rpms]# rpm -Uvh nxclient-1.3.2-7.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libqt-mt.so.3 is needed by nxclient-1.3.2-7