Hi, openoffice.org-1.1.2-10.fc2 update fails in yum or up2date. A previous message to the list, "office update gone wrong" dated Fri, 22 Oct 2004, first reported the problem with an up2date message as follows: file /usr/share/xmms/Skins/Bluecurve-xmms.zip from install of redhat-artwork-0.96-1 conflicts with file from package redhat-artwork-0.96-1 yum gives the following message: file /usr/share/xmms/Skins/Bluecurve-xmms.zip from install of redhat-artwork-0.96-1 conflicts with file from package redhat-artwork-0.96-1 And, when openoffice rpms are downloaded the error message received on update is as follows: error: Failed dependencies: libbluecurve.so is needed by openoffice.org-1.1.2-10.fc2 even when the location of libbluecurve.so is identified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines:/usr/lib64/gtk/themes/engines export LD_LIBRARY_PATH Is there a solution for this in FC2? Regards, Philip