FYI, I received an e-mail from the U of Texas at Arlington (see e-mail header portion in the first post below) that gave me instructions on a patch. I haven't tried it, but given the approach, I can only assume it's some sort of malware. It's a rather lame attempt too. At first I thought it just was someone in a LUG messing with me. I didn't want to turn this stuff over to Red Hat if it was just an individual having fun with only me. But it appears that people on the OpenBSD list have been getting them too. I'm sure the trademark in the domain name makes this easy if all other attempts to shut the site down fail. Posts to LEAPLIST/NTLUG I made with more details (including the e-mail header): First confirmation that it is public: Other follow-ups: The actual site: <joke=on> The conspiracy theory in my mind reminded me that I've been out to Microsoft's major presence in Dallas (don't ask why ;-), and it is a bored intern/phone support guru at Microsoft who's sick of getting calls regarding "Microsoft Security" e-mails. So he decided to come up with one for Red Hat." </joke> -- Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith@xxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Communities don't have rights. Only individuals in the community have rights. ... That idea of community rights is firmly rooted in the 'Communist Manifesto.'" -- Michael Badnarik