Hello, I'm having a few issues with MySQL using the FC2 distro. First off, I can't remotely connect to the database. I did: GRANT ALTER,CREATE,DELETE,DROP,INSERT,SELECT ON mydb.* FOR 'cjb'@'*' That added a corresponding entry into mysql.user, but when I try to connect by a remote machine via tora, it says it can't open a connection. Connecting via tora on the localhost works fine. Do I need a specific port open on my firewall? My second problem is really more a nuisance than a real problem. When I execute "service mysqld start", it sits there for a while then finally says about timing out then [failed]. Well, it didn't fail cuz I can connect and use the database just fine...so whats up with the failure message (and semi long wait for the "timeout")? Thanks for the help.