Please provide more details on how are you trying to connect to the
machine (Linux) running th VNC server? When you try the vnc server, go
to the client machine (Windows) and use the vnc-client and type in:
I am trying to log in from my Mac OS X machine. The message I get when
using my browser is that the browser could not connect to the server.
Your server will be listening (for instance #1) on 5901 (I'm not 100%
sure) but check your firewall rules (if you have any on the server)
that may be blocking incoming traffic.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I don't know anything about
firewalls in linux (I need to learn). I am used to GUI firewalls.
Also, you could try (from windows box) the following command;
telnet serverIPaddress 5901 and see if you can get a connection
established (you'll see something like "Connected to whateverName...".
I got the following message
lloyd ~/Desktop$ telnet 5901
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host