i'm using linux from some years, fedora from some months and yesterday i have joined this mailing list.
I have a qwerty (i'm italian) Microsoft Office Keyboard and i'm trying to modify the associations in the inet file (the layout is already in there, but some codes are not correct) to get the hotkeys work.
I'm using xev to get the correct keycodes, but some keys does not seem to be viewed from xorg (if I press the key xev reports no event).
I've tryed to see what appens in a live! knoppix 3.4 session, and there xev sees all keys (i've booted passing lang=it option).
Here is, at the last, my xorg keyboard configuration on FC2
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbModel" "microsoftoffice" Option "XkbLayout" "it" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" EndSection
Thanks for help