Re: FLAME____ Why is the kernel source not included

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Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 12:59 -0600, Ken Johanson wrote:

Wrong. Source is *no longer* being included in the install discs, relegating one to searching redhat's site or prior downloading of 4*650MB=2.6 Gigs or source RPMs

Oh, come on... I'm no expert, and even *I* know that this...

# wget -c ftp://$YOURMIRROR/$PATH/kernel*rpm
Humpph. I'll remember that the next time a gig-e card isnt supported. Again diversion from the point using a wortkaround solution that doesnt fit every bill. You think I didnt know that? And how many new users do you think *do* know that. Again, falling off the point. Funny, a point -diversionist comes along every 30 minutes. If I had a nickel...

...will get me a small subset of files in which I am *guaranteed* to find the right one. Better commands (...kernel-smp*rpm) could easily be created for an even smaller set. If you even contemplate downloading the entire 2.6GB of SRPMS just to get one, you don't have the Clue you claim to have.

e simp

A divergence from the point that the source is *not available*

Not available on the first four disks, you mean. OK fine, I see your
point. But:

  1. If 95% of users (a guess) don't need it, then putting it on those
disks for everyone instead of forcing 5% to wget it is an enormous waste
of bandwidth and space.

And time, right? Surely this cant be labeled a same-story for the 95% of the apps that are still on those distro disks that people dont use -- many of which are needed, far, far, far, FAR less then the kernel source. Do you dare me to name examples????? Again, nice defensive arg but not sale here.

2. And since in *most* cases you will have access to a far newer kernel when installing a system, wgetting a source may be even simpler, easier, and less work.


  3. "There seems to be space on the disks to include it, so why not?"
is a rough quote from a previous post of yours. Isn't that what got us
to FOUR DISKS of stuff to download in the first place?

Yes, and I assert that things on those disk as far less deserving of being on there than the very heartbeat itself. ...... Or do you not agree.. please say yes or no.

I can see why you would resent the inconvenience to you of moving the kernel source to a SRPM and to another disk. Fine. But from there to your rant about its being "not available" as though it had been entirely withheld from you and the constitution is being burned in effigy, well... that's a far cry and smacks of fearmongering.

Just download the four binary CD's and issue one additional wget
command... what is so god-awful hard about that?

Seem my previous posts, tired of retyping for everyone who doesnt understand the reasons. Sorry.


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