Hi Guys, I'm installing and trying to run a script which analyses iptablelogs. ( someone posted this link this week : www.gege.org/iptables ) I've come to the point where I should be able to start the iptablelog script which contains the following command : case $1 in start) echo -n "Starting $LONGNAME: "; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $DAE MON -- --background echo $NAME; ;; The script errors with complaining it cant find start-stop-daemon. I have been looking around but I 'm not able to find it, except for a source C file in /usr/share/doc/SysVinit-2.85/start-stop-daemon.c. it comes out of the SysVinit-2.85 package. I'm trying to compile this file with gcc -o start-stop-daemon start-stop-daemon.c , again with many errors. Should there be a start-stop-daemon file somewhere on the system ?? In which Package ? I believe that such a file exists on Debian. But what about FC2 ? TIA Edwin