I am using OpenOffice 1.1.1 that was installed along with FC2. I have a spreadsheet with a bunch of dates in one of the columns. I cannot get it to recognize 7 April 2002 as a date. All other dates are fine. Does anyone else see this? Is there a solution?
I can confirm the symptoms on mine -- OO isn't recognizing 4/7/02 as a "date" format. When I enter 4/7/02, OO sees it as text, and left justifies it. When I enter 4/6/02, OO right justifies it and inserts "filler" zeros:
4/7/02 04/06/02
If select both cells, and change the format to another style of date, then 4/7/02 remains unchanged whereas other dates change the style accordingly.
I searched for "april" at OO's bugzilla but didn't find anything relevant to this particular issue. So it may be appropriate to file the bug at FC's bugzilla.
Hope this helps, Clint