Hi, Can any of you please explaine the following LogWatch errors for me, and how to cure them if neccessary: ################### LogWatch 5.2.2 (06/23/04) #################### Processing Initiated: Sun Oct 10 04:02:09 2004 Date Range Processed: yesterday Detail Level of Output: 0 Logfiles for Host: localhost ################################################################ 1. --------------------- Kernel Begin ------------------------ WARNING: Kernel Errors Present Unable to load default keyring: error=74...: 1 Time(s) hdc: packet command error: error=0x54...: 1 Time(s) hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { D...: 1 Time(s) vesafb: probe of vesafb0 failed with error -6...: 1 Time(s) 2. --------------------- Connections (secure-log) Begin ------------------------ **Unmatched Entries** userhelper[6495]: pam_timestamp: updated timestamp file `/var/run/sudo/tortho/4:root' userhelper[6498]: running '/usr/share/system-config-display/system-config-display' with root privileges on behalf of 'tortho' gdm[2191]: pam_succeed_if: requirement "uid < 100" not met by user "tortho" ---------------------- Connections (secure-log) End ------------------------- 3. --------------------- sendmail Begin ------------------------ Bytes Transferred: 10182 Messages Sent: 4 Total recipients: 4 **Unmatched Entries** STARTTLS=server: file /etc/mail/certs/cert.pem unsafe: No such file or directory: 1 Time(s) ---------------------- sendmail End ------------------------- Thanx A Lot!! :-) Tor Harald Thorland