Try with:
lsof | grep proc-name
This will give you the list of files open by proc-name. This could be useful.
Try also:
rpm -qf `locate proc-name`
or something like that, to see if there is a package which proc-name belongs to. If there is not such a package, you'd better consider your situation as risky, because you have some commands around that you never installed with some package, but some one could have.
Best regards.
Thomas E. Dukes wrote:
I have several zombie processes but don't know how to determine who they belong to. I have 3 each of [c++filt] and [addr2line]. They won't kill.
-- Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D. ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302