Hi, I am using mythTV under FC2 now ater moving from KnoppMyth this week-end. Following are the versions of the various software I use: FC2 ivtv: 114z mythtv: 0.16 xvid: 1.0.1 compiled using athlon specific architecture (using rpmbuild and then installed the resulting RPMs) mplayer: latest download from CVS kernel: latest release from Fedora 2.6.8-521 gcc: gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7) KnoppMyth ivtv: 113f mythtv: 0.16 xvid: 1.0.1 compiled from tarball I got from xvid's site. mplayer: same as that on FC2 kernel: 2.4.25-chw gcc: I don't know as I am not near my system and will have to go home to check. KnoppMyth is R4V4 (so u may knwo the version of gcc) Platform: Linux Fedora Core 2 I run mplayer (compiled on KnoppMyth) on KnoppMyth, I get 21 fps for the first pass and 9 fps for the second. If I compile the same source for mplayer under FC2 and run under FC2, I get 9-12fps in the first pass itself (Second pass shows the same result as that of on KnoppMyth, so no problem). I am posting this message to more than one lists because it relates to more than one lists and also I may find some-one using the same things I am trying to and reply with some solution. Thanks in advance. VJ