Please provide more info about what exactly has happened to make your mozilla go belly up. So indicate the steps that you performed to lead you to the thought that mozilla is kaput :) :)
Kali wrote:
hi all,
does FC2 support NTFS ? i want to acess the windows 'D' drive {i can access 'C" using the mount command but not my backup partition D drive} which is currently on another Hard disk using a SATA Intel Motherboard. FC2 is in the old HD. {{ Btw, windows has crashed (not surprising at all) and hence the long route }}
Second problem is that the mozilla browser has also gone kaput and
does not load. How do i set it right ? Please be kind as i am quet new
to the *nix world :-)
thanks for your time, Kali
-- Aly Dharshi aly.dharshi@xxxxxxxxx
"A good speech is like a good dress that's short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the subject"