You should be able to burn things as root. So using K3B from root should yeild the desired results.
Fulko.Hew@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Aly Dharshi <aly.dharshi@xxxxxxxxx> on 09/30/2004 12:12:46 PM asked:
Are you using the most recent kernel aka 2.6.8.x series ?
Yes, I'm fully FC2 "up2date'ed".
Pybe wrote:
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 12:27:13 -0400, fulko.hew@xxxxxxxxx <fulko.hew@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I know one other person, who can't burn CDs anymore too, so its not just me.
Hell I havent been able to burn cd's for ages, just got cdrecord to work again with help from here. I will try the updates and report back as it cant be worse than it is already. Maybe it will fix my problem
-- Aly Dharshi aly.dharshi@xxxxxxxxx
"A good speech is like a good dress that's short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the subject"