On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 02:10 -0500, Michael wrote: > One of the best recorces to find dependencies is rpmfind.net if you > cant find them through your update manager. The package it said was > needed is "gdk-pixbuf" You can get it from this mirror in a source > rpm and just use rpmbuild --rebuild file.rpm.src to build it for your > system. > > http://mirrors.kernel.org/redhat/redhat/linux/enterprise/3/en/os/i386/SRPMS/ I realise this may sound none-too-bright, but I'll risk that and ask anyway: how do you get from the message 'No package 'gdk-2.0' found' to knowing that "gdk-pixbuf" is what's needed? Is it just that you already knew this or is there a method of finding what packages a given library is in? Also, does anyone know where I might read about the whole context around libraries on linux (stuff like: standard locations, how to find out if a given library/version is installed, commandline tools related to libraries etc).