I am extremely new to Fedora 2 and could do with some advice. I have
installed and am using Fedora core 2 version ( 2.6.8-1.521 ) but I am
unable to hear any CD audio. My soundcard is working fine and the CD player can find and play the
music but I don't hear a thing!
On a separate drive I have Windows XP Pro and that plays ok.
Thanks in anticipation.
Hi Paul, and welcome to Fedora!
I have a couple of questions that might help troubleshoot:
1. Do you have the CD audio cable connected properly from the CD drive to the card? (I once had a bad connection on a machine that was causing the problem. Once I seated the cable well, then I had CD sound.)
2. Do you have sound for any other applications? In other words do you get sound that doesn't originate from commercial CDs? If you don't, then try this:
a. Open a terminal by clicking on Redhat -> System Tools -> Terminal b. type this: alsamixer
A mixer will come up and you can use your keyboard to adjust the levels up. Some of mine were set to 0 when I started FC2, and that was causing no sound at all to come out.
Let us know what you find out.
Hope this helps, Clint