On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 23:35, Gene Heskett wrote: > Are you using an initrd? I don't, I use /lib/modules/$VERSION, but > IIRC either also has to carry that same version in its internal > modules. For /lib/modules/$VERSION, that dirname must also match. Yes, I'm using an initrd. The top of the makefile looks like this: VERSION = 2 PATCHLEVEL = 6 SUBLEVEL = 8 EXTRAVERSION = .1-Win4Lin NAME=Zonked Quokka make modules_install puts the modules here: /lib/modules/ I make the initrd like this: mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd- I put the kernel and System.map here: /boot/bzImage- /boot/System.map- ln -s /boot/System.map- /boot/System.map GRUB entry looks like this: title Test Kernel root (hd0,0) kernel /bzImage- ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet initrd /initrd- Here's what I get when it boots: jdb: version magic ' K7 gcc-3.3' should be ' K7 gcc-3.3' insmod: error inserting '/lib/jbd.ko': -1 Invalid module format ERROR: /bin/insmod exited abnormally! ext3: version magic ' K7 gcc-3.3' should be ' K7 gcc-3.3' insmod: error inserting '/lib/ext3.ko': -1 Invalid module format ERROR: /bin/insmod exited abnormally! mount: error 19 mounting ext3 pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2 umount /initrd/proc failed: 2 kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.