> Here are a couple of questions that might help troubleshoot: > What is the url of the site that is causing the crash? One is a PIX firewall on campus, another is an Enterasys Dragon IDS. The odd thing is that another FC2 works, so there may be something else at play here. > Can you get in helpful data from strace mozilla? I tried running mozilla with the debugging options but it's threaded so you don't see much. And the crash happens in java and java_vm, not mozilla. > You mentioned that you tried the java rpm's from Dag's site -- did you > also install the mozilla-j2re-1.4.2-9.1.fc2.dag.i586.rpm plugin from > Dag? Yes, I did. Mike Iglesias Email: iglesias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx University of California, Irvine phone: 949-824-6926 Network & Academic Computing Services FAX: 949-824-2069