Then, as root or as a normal user if you running level 3, try "startx" at a command line.
If you still get a black screen, try C-A-Backspace: this should kill the X server. Then have a look at messages in the console: if you see some row as "Fatal:...", you could at least figure out what's going wrong.
X logs also could be of help. Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log or such.
Also, explain what you mean with "and PC stops doing anything". Do the keyboard led turn on and off when you press CAPS and such. If leds' state cannot be changed, try searching in the mailing list archive for "X freezes" or something like that: your X server has surely freezed!
That's all I can say at present.
iLych wrote:
I've installed Fedora Core 2. I choose Full installation . And what do I get after an hour of installing process. A nice loader *Grub*. Then some invitation of Fedora Core 2. Then Linux entering graphic mode and .... I had black screen (and PC stops doing anything). I had: Accelerator:ATI Radeon 9200 Monitor: LF F700P
What's not Right?
-- Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D. ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302