...Am Di, den 07.09.2004 schrieb Steve Blackwell um 1:17:
> I downloaded the kernel-sourcecode-2.6.8-1.521 rpm and then the
> voluntary preemption patch voluntary-preempt- from
> http://people.redhat.com/mingo/voluntary-preempt/older and placed
> in the kernel source directory. Then using the instructions from the
> low latency wiki, http://wiki.philkern.de/5.html, I ran this command: > > patch -p1 --dry-run < ./voluntary-preempt- > > I get a bunch of errors. Here is the beginning of the output:
3 failed hunks - that is ok and should be quickly fixable
> Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]
That is not good. You will need to compare the patch code and the existing kernel code. Maybe parts of your preempt patch code is already in the Fedora kernel source.
Hmmm. I found this link:
that says that the voluntary preemption patch has already been added but the instructions to enable voluntary preemption from http://wiki.philkern.de/5.html
echo 3 > /proc/sys/kernel/voluntary-preemption
fail because the file doesn't exist. So I'm not sure whether it has or hasn't or perhaps there a step missing.