Hello, I'm running FC 2 with a 2.6.8-1.521 kernel. My goal is to configure two or more Symbios Logic 53C875J PCI SCSI controllers on my machine and run a couple of Unisys SCSI disk arrays through them. When I install only one of the Symbios controllers, everything goes smoothly, the sym53c8xx module loads beautifully and all my SCSI devices are attached properly. However, when I install a second Symbios card into my machine I run into problems. I have tried all my tricks, but I still can't get throuh the modprobe. This is what it says: [root@d84 root]# modprobe sym53c8xx sym0: Symbios NVRAM, ID 14, Fast-20, HVD, parity checking sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware. sym0: SCSI BUS has been reset. sym1: Symbios NVRAM, ID 15, Fast-20, HVD, parity checking sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware. sym1: SCSI BUS has been reset. sym1:0:0: ABORT operation started. sym1:0:0: ABORT operation timed-out. sym1:0:0: DEVICE RESET operation started. sym1:0:0: DEVICE RESET operation timed-out. sym1:0:0: BUS RESET operation started. sym1:0:0: BUS RESET operation timed-out. sym1:0:0: HOST RESET operation started. sym1: SCSI BUS has been reset. This output is from a run where I don't have any disks physically attached to the controllers. All ports are terminated properly. If I attach my disk arrays, I can see the module load all the disks that are atached to the first controller, but it still hangs in the same way as when ran without any disks. The modprobe hangs and won't exit/finish. Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem? Are there some parameters that I should give the sym53c8xx module? Have I missed something important in the Symbios PCI BIOS? Thanks in advance for any ansvers! -johan totterman