BOB GOODWIN wrote: > I purchased a set of four disks mail order and have attempted to do the > upgrade > from RH9 to Fedora Core 2 without much success this afternoon. I went > through > this four times so far with the same result. The install runs smoothly > and when > I'm done it tells me to remove the media and reboot. > > That part works but the Grub menu only shows the old RH-9 kernel 2.4 > option. In fact I haven't been able to find the 2.6 kernel installed on > my hard drive. It > appears that I'm still running RH-9 to write this message. [# uname -a > Linux box1 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:54:28 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386 > GNU/Linux] Most odd. Can you try running gcc --version, ls --version, rpm --version, and sundry other commands with --version, and compare them with the versions on the FC2 media? > > I thought well I'll find the RPM on Disk One and install the new kernel > from there, > can't do that either since now it tells me /dev/cdrom "is not a block > device," > whatever that means, I've seen that before but don't know what to do to > fix it? The > CDROM has always worked until I ran this install. Can you do an ls -l /dev/cdrom ? Is it a CD writer? If so, I bet the RH9 kernel is set up to use the IDE-SCSI hack so it could write under kernel 2.4. That would mean it was called something like /dev/scd0. In FC2, under 2.6, that isn't needed, and it would be called /dev/hdc (or whatever): that's if it's the primary slave. But if the IDE-SCSI hack is in place, then /dev/hdc won't work. /dev/cdrom is supposed to be a symlink to whichever device the CD is using. I bet the FC2 install changed it from /dev/scd0 to /dev/hdc. Can you do a cat /proc/cmdline? If there's a hdc=ise-scsi, then the IDE-SCSI hack should be in place. Alternatively, I suppose you just might not be getting any modules loaded. Can you do a lsmod? And while you're at it, can you post /boot/grub/grub.conf? I'm sure there's more, but that'll do for starters. James. -- E-mail address: james | "I blame the teachers, and I blame the politicians | for picking the teachers, and I blame the parents | for voting them in, and top of the list I put the | bastard who invented the caps-lock key." | -- Chris Hacking