Very cool mods there, Clint, thanks for the links. Like you, big thanks
to Mr. Chung for his fine work on it.
Don't forget that Thomas Chung has two especially nice mods of yumi!
Here are the urls:
and the corresponding applet (i.e. "blue check mark thingy") can be
found here:
Look carefully at the top of each of those pages for the FC2 binaries!
If a user doesn't like the yum-applet, or simply wants the rhn-applet
back in place, here's how to get things back like they were originally:
# yum install rhn-applet
Hope this helps, and "thanks" to Thomas for his work and articles at!
John Krische
DB Admin, Ntwk. Admin.
BBS Press Service, Inc.
A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer