Hi everyone -- This is a heads-up for a problem you may not even know you have. If you have upgraded to 2.6.7, you might want to confirm that your swap partition is mounted: 'swapon -s' shows mounted swap partitions. I just upgraded to the kernel 2.6.7-1.494.2.2, and my swap partition failed to mount. The reason is that the SATA hard drives formerly called hde and hdf are now called sda and sdb. Partitions addressed by LABEL= are still found any partition without a label now has an incorrect entry in /etc/fstab. In my case, the line /dev/hde2 swap swap defaults 0 0 that worked in kernel 2.6.6.x had to be changed to /dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0 I figured out the new drive name by looking at mtab for a partition I know to be on the same drive (in my case the root partition / is mounted on /dev/sda1). After changing fstab, 'swapon -a' will mount the swap partition (to avoid the need to reboot). The command 'swapon -s' shows your mounted swap partitions. (Editing fstab and mounting the swap partition must be done as root; if you don't know this already I am not sure I should be advising you to mess with these things.) -- Phil