I have commented out the pcnet_cs entry in /etc/modprobe.conf and I've
done everything you told me to (include reboot). But when I did the
"rmmod pcnet_cs" step, an error message came out "ERROR: Module pcnet_cs
is in use".
What could possiblly be worng?
Christopher K. Johnson wrote:
Comment out the pcnet_cs entry in /etc/modprobe.conf, and set
ONBOOT=no in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, and reboot.
Actually an 'rmmod pcnet_cs' and 'service pcmcia restart' should work
in lieu of rebooting.
The problem is your ethernet pcmcia card driver module is being loaded
before pcmcia is started and the card controller module is loaded.
This fails to work of course, and the later starting of pcmcia fails
because the controller module conflicts with the already loaded card
driver. The two changes above remedy the order things start in, and
you will find that the ethernet interface does get started
automatically at boot, because once pcmcia is started the card is
detected and the interface for it is started.
Shu Hung (Koala) wrote:
After I install Fedora Core 2 onto my laptop, Sharp PC-FJ120R, I found
that the Fedora failed to detect the PCMCIA ethernet card. On the boot
process, it show the error message "pcnet_cs device eth0 does not seem
to be present".
I am using Sharp PC-FJ120R with a Kingsoft PCMCIA ethernet card. I
though it is because Fedora lack the driver of the ethernet card. But my
friend said that the machine works well with Redhat 7.0......
Any suggestions?