Re: tar question

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Michael Sullivan wrote:
I've set up a script that backs up the entire /home folder into a file
labeled with the computer name and the date the file was made. This
works well, but takes up a lot of space, and only two days worth of
archives fit on a single CD. I know how I want to remedy the situation,
but I don't know how to script it. Here's what I want to do: On Sunday
I want the whole /home folder backed up into its own file. On Monday
through Saturday I want only the files that have changed since the last
backup backed up into their own files, one for each day. That should
make seven files that are small enough to fit onto one CD. One CD per
week. Is it possible to do it this way, and if so, how would I do it? I do a lot of programming, so I need separate backup archives so that I
can access an older version of a particular file if need be...

Tar is one of those commands that has a very brief man page and a vastly larger and more detailed info. It has been several years since I looked but I think that if you'll browse through "info tar" you'll find an example for what you want/need to do. Also, you might want to look for script "back2cd". It appeared in a magazine a couple years ago but I have managed to Google only broken links. (I probably have a copy of it in my old RH6.0 archive if you can't find it on the net.)


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