I've just installed FCII. I'm coming over from SUSE to see what FC has been up to. Right now I've just got one little gripe, and I'm sure it can be easily corrected once I know where to go. I've got my directories all set up with the spatial nautilus and was actually quite pleased, and then I noticed that the icon for the start here desktop icon was missing. Then, I noticed that nautilus no longer recognizes such unusual filetypes such as rpm or .tgz. I tried to tell it, and it told me there was already a mime-type, did I want to overwrite? I said yes, and then tried to install an rpm, and nautilus then informed me that there was no set mime-type. My question is this. Where does GNOME keep all of it's mime-type / application icon information? I want to delete this file and see if GNOME can recover or copy these files from my root directory since it seems to be just fine. I just don't know what files to look at since I'm used to using KDE. I tried some things like .nautilus, and a few things under .gnome2. When I searched the archives I found nothing about randomly disapearing icons/mimetypes. Thanks andy