Re: How to Configure Qmail on Fedora Core 1 Server

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On or about 2004-07-27 09:18, Alexander Dalloz whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and scribbled:

Am Di, den 27.07.2004 schrieb usmany@xxxxxxxxxx um 16:12:

I have fedora core 1 system that i installed and config (doing fine), but i have some little problem installing and configuring Qmail or any other and simple mail software on the box, eg. openwebmail if that will work on the box?

Can someone outline all syntax on how i will go about the Qmail or OpenWebMail installation and configuration?

Why not using the applications that come with Fedora Core?

Here for FC1 it would be Postfix or Sendmail as the MTA part, uw-imap or
dovecot for the IMAP/POP3 server part, and last but not least
SquirrelMail for a web frontend to access the mail server through a


At least one point, which is major to me :-) Buried in the sample configuration file for dovecot is a comment that the refusal to serve mail for root is compiled into the binary, no matter that it seems to allow for it in the configuration. I have a small private network of 5 machines in my office, and I wish to read *all* my email from several accounts in one Mozilla profile running on a Windows 2000 machine (mostly because it's by far the fastest of my lot). Even if there *were* any possible security issues here (which I am convinced there are not), I don't like this decision taken out of my hands. (I suppose I could hack the dovecot sources and re-build it.) But it's simpler to use qmail, which has a configuration option for this. (I am willing to *briefly* debate the security (non-)issues of this, if anyone cannot see for themselves; but I refuse to debate any "political" issues about FOSS, Dan B., or etc/usw.)

For the OP's question: the site has some very detailed step-by-step instruction sets, including FC1 and FC2 specific sets.

Fritz Whittington
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. And tomorrow isn't looking good either.

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