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After much consternation, I was successfully able to install the Cisco 3000 series VPN client on my FC2 box, with kernel 2.6.7 I had some problems connecting at first, but that was fixed with a simple addition to my iptables config file. Here's my current problem (and seemingly my last hurdle to getting this to work as I need):
I'm connecting to the VPN server using NAT, as I have a firewall running on my machine. I can get to all the internal websites with no problem; however, when I try to ssh to a machine on the internal network, it simply hangs. When I try to ping the same machine, it times out with the following message:
PING: unknown host <>
Then I did a little experiement. I got the IP address of the machine that I was attempting to connect to, re-established my VPN connection, then attempted to ssh to the machine using the IP address. Lo and behold, it worked, and I was able to verify that I was, in fact, connected to the machine thru my VPN connection (the 3000 series VPN clients/concentrators allow for split tunnelling). seems as thought name resolution does not work with the VPN connection enabled. In fact, I can't see (ssh, ping,...) ANY machines while the VPN connection is active. I tried pinging, and that resulted in the same "unknown host..." message. I'm a bit of a newbie to firewall configurations, etc, so any help on getting this to work would be appreciated. I guess using the IP address is an OK workaround for now, but I'd rather not rely on this method.