Been having this problem for a while now.
Used devlabel to deal with a previous problem that depending on whether my printer was switched on or not would affect which device my usb pendrive was picked up as. devlabel allowed me to use a symlink to the device which it would create and delete when the device was added removed, which meant that I could use a consistent device name in my /etc/fstab file. This allowed me to set it up so that any user could mount/unmount my pendrive.
my /etc/fstab file has the following entry for this device. /dev/usb-pendrive /mnt/usb-pendrive vfat noauto,owner,kudzu,users,noatime,gid=100,umask=002 0 0
The problem is that when updfstab is run I get the following message cannot stat /dev/usb-pendrive: No such file or directory
which is not supprising really, since unless the pendrive is actually connected to the machine the device entry isn't going to exist since devlabel will delete it.
To stop updfstab from complaining about /dev/usb-pendrive remove the "kudzu" option.
You should rather use the /etc/updfstab* for you device as it will create the entry in /etc/fstab whenever the device is plugged in and remove it after the device is removed.
-- Redmond, we have a problem.