Hi all, <flamesuit> Part 1: I'm usually running KDE as my desktop, but I also run a number of Gnome apps, such as Evolution. When the app runs under Gnome, I have most of the fonts set to 8 point, which I can read nicely while sitting in front of the machine. When running the same app under KDE, my fonts are way big, I can read things from the other side of the room (ok, it's only 5 feet wide). My native KDE apps are all behaving, using the KDE font settings, however, the Gnome apps are not. Part 2: KDE apps look a little slicker than Gnome apps (ok, debatable). But so much space is wasted by large tool bars with large buttons and large meaningless header lines. Yust look at Evolution - there is the Windows title bar (telling me that I'm in the INBOX, then there is the menu bar (ok those two are fine), then comes half an inch of buttons which could go into the menu bar and then there is half an inch of INBOX title - a repeat of what I have in the Windows title already. Then comes a 1/4 of an inch of search things - which I extremely seldom use - Ctrl-F would be just fine. Now, how can I make that less wasteful in screen real-estate? I only have 14" on my notebook ... Oh, I forgot to mention 'Window Frame' - what do I need 1/5 of an inch of borders around everything. It just uses space, which could be used to display useful things! </flamesuit> Sorry, but I just needed to get this off my chest - it's been bugging me for years. Best regards, Chris