On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Chris Canavan wrote:
I am having some issues getting the PCMIA serivce to start. I am new with all Linux systems so please forgive me if I don't provide some needed info.
During the install Fedora found the PCMIA NIC so I assume that something went right; however each boot (when looking at the detailed logging screen) shows that the NIC Card is not found and initalization fails. So once in the GUI I look at the services and everything looks good but PCMIA which shows the service is stopped. I request a service start Fedora the OS reports the service has started correctly, but when I stat the service it still hasn't started, thus the NIC card cannot be found.
if this is the same problem others have been having, try the following after you boot:
# modprobe yenta_socket # service pcmcia start
what happens?