Re: /etc/resolv.conf and sendmail

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Am Di, den 13.07.2004 schrieb Philippe um 12:07:

> So I have an idea. As I am on a dialup connection, when sendmail is
> launched, I still don't have any DNS set up (they come from my ISP). So
> could it be the cause of my problem ?
> What I can see, but not sure 100%, is after being connected, if I
> restart sendmail, or if I flush the queue, all the next mails, even
> hours after, will be sent correctly.
> Philippe

Hi Philippe,

I remember we had that topic already a couple of days ago. Still the
same problem?

Given that you did not change the basic setup of Sendmail on Fedora,
Sendmail will only queue the mail for outgoing if it can't find a way
out or if the remote server gives back a temporary error message (DSN
4xx). By default the queue runner will try every 60 minutes to empty the
queue by delivering it's content to the targets. So if your mail is
stuck inside the queue for a longer period you have a serious setup
problem. Again, given that you did not fundamentally change the setup of
Sendmail, your DNS is broken or you have a strange firewalling.

To check what's going on the first look has to go into the
/var/log/maillog. It may be helpful to increase the log level to a
higher level by putting

define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `15')dnl

into the /etc/mail/ file. You will need to restart Sendmail
to activate that setting. Afterwards you will see very verbose messages
about what is happening. If you don't understand yourself what's going
on you could place the relevant maillog part on a webspace and mail me
the address (.htaccess restricted). Along with the output of

mailq -v

to see the queued messages. That command will give you some basic
information about the queued mails and the reason. Based on maillog and
mailq information we could go on using passing debugging instructions to
Sendmail to find the reason. Most often it is a misbehaving DNS. Do you
run Fedora Core 1 or Core 2 where Sendmail works? Do you use a smart
host or does your Sendmail is speaking directly to the target MX hosts?


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) on Athlon CPU kernel
Serendipity 15:05:26 up 12:47, 8 users, 0.73, 0.19, 0.06 

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