Up2date invokes, but just sits. It looks like it retrieving updates. I've let it sit overnight, with no success.
Help please?
Ike Hunley
Are you using Fedora Core 1 or 2?
If you're using FC1, then perhaps up2date is trying to hit the overworked Redhat servers? The up2date sources file, located at
was initially set to hit Redhat's servers, and they are simply "over-hit on."
Have you set up up2date's sources file to hit mirrors?
These articles may be of some help: http://www.fedorafaq.org/#slowupdateservers http://fedoranews.org/contributors/alexander_dalloz/mirror/
Once configured to hit mirrors, you should see a significant improvement in up2date's performance!
Hope this helps, Clint Harshaw