I am having a bit of trouble installing wine, they dont have a tar file
for FC1, and i dont really know how to choose the correct rpm for me,
have i386, i686, and athlon, i have an athlon processor, now since i
dont have an intel processor, i crossed out intel386 and 686, but the
atholon doesnt seem to be working either it just sits there, does anyone
know how long wine takes, i went to howto page and it said to install,
type in terminal, rpm -iv wineblahblahblah.processor.rpm, i did this at
root, doesnt seem to work. How come i can not get it to work? Any1 else
with this issue, and know how to fix it? It is probably simple but i am
new to the whole linux thing, and heard wine was good if you wanted to
play your windows games.