Paulo Antonio wrote:
I got the same thing, using AES encryption, instead of xor. What I needed to do was this:Up to Fedora 1, I could mount encrypted files but I can't do it on Fedora 2.
I used to do:
# mount -o loop,encryption=xor encrypted_file /mnt/dir Password: <my password here> #
Now I get:
# mount -o loop,encryption=xor encrypted_file /mnt/dir Password: <my password here> ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument #
I've seen similiar complaints on the net, but people complain about des or some other stronger encryption, while they say xor works. I can't even get xor working!
I've tried loading modules such as cryptoloop, xor, des, etc. They all load, but I can't never mount the file. What's the matter with losetup? Please help.
modprobe loop modprobe cryptoloop modprobe aes
losetup -e aes /dev/loop0 /dev/md4 <give a password> mke2fs /dev/loop0 losetup -d /dev/loop0
In my case, I have the filesystem, /dev/md4, in my fstab.
/dev/md4 /secure ext2 noauto,encryption=aes 0 0
then, assuming that the modprobe above has been done, I can type:
mount /secure
and it asks me for a password and mounts the filesystem.
Now to get this to work for a filesystem that needs to be mounted at bootup, there is one more step:
mkinitrd --with=aes --with=cryptoloop --with=loop /boot/initrd <kernel-version>
Hopefully this helps. I have not used the XOR encryption, so I can only give the AES example, and say that it is working for me in this fashion.
-- Steven Ringwald Asric Consulting Services