Under FC1, my apache daemons are not starting up at boot time. Originally, my link to the startup script was numbered /etc/rc2.d/S90apache. I tried as low as S78apache. With either of these numbers, the daemon won't start on its own. It starts just fine manually at a later time with a; ' /etc/rc2.d/S78apache start' I wonder why it's not starting. On my other systems, including solaris, the S78 spot seems just fine. Details: On this system, the level 2 startup scripts are: S00microcode_ctl S08iptables S09isdn (hmm, I don't need this!) S10network S12syslog S20random S26apmd S40smartd S55cups S55sshd S78apache S85gpm S90crond S90xfs S90anacron S99local --------------- Thanks, Henry