> >Trying to run a 32 bit compiled GTK under my x86_64 gets me this: > >(scopiraui:19875): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in >module_path: "bluecurve", > >(scopiraui:19875): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Error loading XPM image >loader: Unable to load image-loading mo >dule: /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-xpm.so: >/usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbu >floader-xpm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or >directory > >It turns out the configuration files in /etc/gtk-2.0 have been set >to use only the lib64 plugin directories, etc. > >What's the best solution for this? Ideally, the 64bit gtk should >use one set of configs, and the 32 another.... > Aleksander -- I thought your posting was the most interesting one I saw on fedora-list, and I have been hoping someone would provide an answer. This is a problem with proprietary programs compiled elsewhere and distributed as binaries but also some pure open source programs (firefox and HelixPLayer for example) that I cannot compile in 64-bits at this point. Does anyone know a way to help firefox, its plug-ins, and other programs compiled in 32-bit kernels but running on FC2 x86_64 to find the bluecurve theme and the 32-bit gtk/gdk modules they need? -- Phil