Just trying to spread the word. There is a new worm that is attacking IIS servers. It puts a piece of code on web pages and then infects PCs that use Internet Explorer to access the web server. The infection loads software on the users PC to steal keyclicks and send them to the writer. There are three holes in IIS, two were patched in April. The last MS is still working on. MS recommends users turn off javascript in Internet Explorer. The security experts are taking this one step further and advising users to switch to Opera or Mozilla. I know this is a Fedora group, but some of us manage these other high risk machines. Just trying to spread the word to help minimize the damage. Thank you for your indulgence.
Okay, being the total skeptic I am, do you have any links to provide additional info on this? I've not heard anything concerning this one and would like additional resources to look at. Not that I think you are BS'ing, I mean it is IE and all, but I'd like more detail to give to my superiors.
-- Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.
Mark Haney Network, Database and Systems Administration DoctorDirectory.com Inc.