If you're one of these people with mice that lose synchronisation when you use them through a KVM, please read this post on the Linux Kernel mailing list: http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=linux.kernel&selm=2a9TS-1Q6-3%40gated-at.bofh.it (Sorry, that's going to wrap. If you can't make it work, go to your favourite LKML mirror: the subject is "[RFC/RFT] PS/2 mouse resync for KVM users". In it, Dmitry Torokhov posts a patch to the Linus original of 2.6.7 which is supposed to spot a messed-up PS/2 mouse and reset it. The "RFT" is a request for testing. So if you have the hardware, please give it a go... Thanks, James. -- E-mail address: james@ | "Drink", said the Irish preacher, "is the curse westexe.demon.co.uk | of the country. It makes ye quarrel with yer | neighbours, it makes ye shoot at yer Landlord, and | it makes ye miss him."