I'd like to convert some .pict files to .ppm files (or any other format readable by the gimp for that matter) so I was going to use picttoppm, however, this command is not installed. I noticed the man page exists for it though. Was this program removed from the netpgm-progs package or do I just have a bad install? Looking at at.rpmfind.net description of the package, it *seems* that my install is correct and while it installs the man page for it, there is no binary installed. http://at.rpmfind.net/opsys/linux/RPM/fedora/test/1.92/i386/netpbm-progs-10.19-7.i386.html [root@xxxxxxxxxxxx pics]# rpm -q netpbm-progs netpbm-progs-10.19-7 [root@xxxxxxxxxxxx pics]# locate picttoppm /usr/share/man/man1/picttoppm.1.gz What other way can I use to get these .pict files into a readable format?