I have been running FC2 on a Dell Latitude CPx laptop for sometime now using a D-Link DWL-G650 pcmcia wireless card for network access. The problem that has been bothering me is that the DWL-G650 card is not listed correctly in the Network Configuration/hardware tab. Poking around the system lead me to the /etc/pcmcia/config file which appears to list a wide variety of pcmcia cards. The DWL-G650 is not listed here. If I was to add an entry for the DWL-G650 would this all the Network Configuration tool to list the card correctly? The other things that has been bugging me is that when I run the command: cardctl ident I get the following: Socket 0: no product info available Socket 1: no product info available But the card is working. The same thing when I look at the /var/lib/pcmcia/stab file. It almost looks like the system does not see the card but yet it does work. Or am I looking at the wrong stuff? -- Scot L. Harris webid@xxxxxxxxxx Beam me up, Scotty! It ate my phaser!