Ed K. wrote:
This is simpler then you show here. You can get the last update time from the modified header from theDamn.. If you talked about it before , I wouldnt have to implement a html parser for the indexes , which is what I've done... :'(
$ telnet mirror.linux.duke.edu 80
HEAD http://mirror.linux.duke.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/1/i386/os/headers/header.info HTTP/1.1
wget will return the header, but will also download the entire file...
Guess I'll simply dump it then , because parsing the header.info file looks like a easier way to do it. (I had to implement three parsers: one for http indexes , other for ftp indexes and one for the redhat http index)
I'll try to finish the test code tonight (as things got simpler now) and I post when I have a prototype.
-- Pedro Macedo