Hello All I tried to compile a module for lirc serial: -I installed a kernelsource for nvidia from linuxiant -I did make oldconfig -I did ./configure menuconfig -I did make modules -No troubles at all, everything compiled a install of the lirc program as it should............(to my best knowledge....) afterwards a modprobe lirc_serial THEN i got the following error WARNING: Error inserting lirc_dev (/lib/modules/2.6.6-1.427.8kstacks/misc/lirc_dev.ko): Invalid module format FATAL: Error inserting lirc_serial (/lib/modules/2.6.6-1.427.8kstacks/misc/lirc_serial.ko): Invalid module format info of the kernel makefile: VERSION = 2 PATCHLEVEL = 6 SUBLEVEL = 6 EXTRAVERSION = -1.427.8kstackscustom NAME=Zonked Quokka info concerning the module: description: LIRC base driver module author: Artur Lipowski license: GPL vermagic: 2.6.6-1.427.8kstackscustom 686 REGPARM gcc-3.3 depends: Is this problem related to the vermagic????? and extraversion????? or am I missing something else????? To my knowledge the mistake I am making is not related specific to lirc therefore my post on this list. With kind regards Fons van der Beek