I determined the problem to be a bad floppy disk because I opened a new box and repeated the steps below and now I can boot happily into FC2 using 1 floppy disk. I'm not sure why you pointed me to the RELNOTES or google on this but I don't care because FC2 is up and running. Thanks anyway.
P.S If anyone has similiar issues, suspect the floppy disk first before anyone tells you otherwise!
ne... wrote:
On Jun 16, 2004 at 07:42, Carnal Ortega in a soothing rage wrote:
I successfully installed FC2 on /dev/hda2 but I selected no bootloader
during the installation because I wanted to boot using a floppy instead
of altering my MBR which is used by XP. I was never prompted to make a
bootdisk during the FC2 installation so I'm not sure how to access it. I
booted with FC2 Disc #1 and typed "linux rescue", chroot /mnt/sysimage/
then ran mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 kernel-version.
When I reboot with the floppy it gives me a boot: prompt but errors
after I type "linux" with this message:
Boot Failed: Please change disks and press a key to continue.
How do I boot into FC2?
You know it does help to read the release notes and the list
archives. It has been mentioned time and time again. The 2.6
series kernel does not fit on a floppy. If you really want to
use a floppy, install either grub or lilo to the floppy.