I have a single 1U server currently running FC1 with one really active site. I have a 2nd server (rental) that I want to setup on my own hardware but not the 1U server as its more of a desktop setup than true server. So I'm looking for my next hard core server setup for web hosting..I want drive redundancy and and I want it running with Linux. Fedora or SuSe and using WebMin to manage it. I would want RAID-1 for mirroring ..but SATA costs << SCSCI costs and some say SATA is about as good as SCSCI now. Supermicro SuperServer I see a lot at the NOC. And the CEO of one company I spoke to at the NOC said they run many of their hosting servers off a SuperMicro system with Linux and WebMin. So I have to have some idea of what to plan for. SD2-1202C 2U SCSIx8 Server - Hot Swap vs SD2-1201C 2U SATAx8 Server - Hot Swap http://www.serversdirect.com/system_dept.asp?dept_id=SD-012 Now if I have RAID-1 setup, does it do mirroring on all 8 drives if installed? I wouldn't need but 2 drives to start right? I guess I'd have to have a really hard hit server to need all 8 installed. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON LINUX and SATA-RAID specifically what Distro are they using with what MoBO and chipset. Mark Susol ------------------------------- u l t i m a t e CreativeMedia Web | Print | CD Media | eCommerce www.ultimatecreativemedia.com Ph: 301-668-0588