Periodically there are people who scream about a particular Fedora Core release. I simply do not understand this on several levels.
The objectives are clearly stated on the web site.
Given the above, I would have to be willing to undertake the following in order to run a production system on Fedora platforms.
In other words, this is standard industry practice for infrastructure configuration management and technology refresh. If you don't do this for your production environment, be prepared to get bit, and get bit hard.
In short:
1) Live with the rules -- or -- 2) Work to change the rules -- or -- 3) Or go play in another sandbox
Anything else is just a recipe for high blood pressure, anger, and other general unpleasantness.
Bravissimi!!! By God, one of the best and most insightful posts I've seen in years. To borrow a line from Sean Estabrooks: "I may just frame this post."
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx