Hi If I have a group of files with the same user/owner, how can I change the user/owner to a different one as a group? I was doing some root maintenance and ended with several user files with root as an owner. I could change the user/owner individually for each file from Nautilus, but I could not select the proper files and do a group change. This is odd. I know this probably is in the manual but I do not know even where to start searching or what terms I could use for such a search. Please, I know that it is probably more efficient to do it from a terminal using chown, but given the fact that I was in GUI mode I'd rather stick to the GUI way (yes, I usually keep a terminal window open to bypass the GUI when it gets in the way, but in my own personal opinion, a GUI should not "get in the way".) Thanks Javier ________________________________________________ Message sent using Inter.net 2.7.2