Anyone familiar with Serv-U FTP for Windows(tm)? I am looking for a FTP server for Linux--Fedora specifically--which has the ability to monitor users and what they are uploading or downloading in real-time. Would also be nice to see a log of upload activity. The ability to kick and ban users. The ability to see what speeds each individual is transferring at. Is this a possibility with Linux? If so where should I be looking?
I've searched Google for such plug-ins for vsftp and came up empty
handed. Basically I'm looking for a full featured FTP program which
lets me see /what is happening/ on the server. The program which I am
looking for doesn't necessarily have to be a GUI, could be text based. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I cant say foe all unix ftp servers, but pro and pure ftpd have these functions. Use program ftpwho and pure-ftpwho.