Peter Boy wrote:
Am Fr, den 11.06.2004 schrieb Nina Pham um 21:04:I got the correct ip back when i do nslookup server, but don't get anythinig from How do I make sure that dns client is on?
I already have that file with correct ipaddresses
Quite strange. The DNS client is installed and activated by default. Nothing special to do but the configuration via /etc/resolv.conf
You may open a terminal window and type in the command nslookup
Ignore the deprecated message. You should then try server
The answer should be the same IP which you'll find in resolv.conf
Then you may ask for an address:
and you should get the address and resp.
You may leave the programm by <ctrl><c>
Does this happen as described?
Then your issue isn't DNS. You probably set up your firewall to block web access. Run [redhat|system]-config-securitylevel (also in the
main menu under "System Settings->Security Level") and make sure
you have a checkmark next to HTTP in the "Trusted Services" section.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
- VitalStream, Inc. -
- -
- "If you can't fix it...duct tape it!" - Tim Allen -